The Intuitive Birth Doula
My offerings
Home Birth Doula
Homebirth Doula: Are you ready to feel supported and empowered through the sacred rite of passage of birth? As a home birth doula, I will guide and witness you in feeling educated, prepared, and supported for your physiologic birth.
Postpartum Doula
Are you ready to feel rested and held during your postpartum? As a postpartum doula, my goal is to nourish you, so that you can effortlessly nurture your newborn and fully integrate into your season of matrescence.
Pregnancy Coaching
Are you ready to feel grounded, confident and intuitively guided throughout your pregnancy? As a pregnancy coach, I will help you navigate fears and reconnect you with your inner wisdom.
Pelvic Floor Program
Coming soon…
“We don’t lack caregivers, we lack deeply connected women who can hold space, accompany and not interfere.”
-Whapio Diane Bartlett
Founder of The Matrona
My Birth Philosophy

You and your baby are perfectly designed.
Every person on earth is alive today because a woman brought them here. You are perfectly curated to bring your baby safely into this world without any support, guidance or previous experience. The blueprint of birth is within the DNA of each of your cells. All you have to do is slow down long enough to listen and receive it.
Babies are conscious beings from the moment of conception and your baby knows how big to grow and how to be born (just as you did!) Babies are an active participant in their births and are in constant communication with their mothers, possibly even before conception.
Your body was not built to confuse or confound you. Your body is whole, complete and perfectly capable of birthing your baby – as long as you trust and surrender into that knowing. The overwhelming majority of the time, birth is not a medical event. You are the medicine.

Birth was meant to be undisturbed.
An undisturbed birth is a self-directed birth. That means YOU, your intuitive knowing, and intelligent hormonal matrix takes the driver’s seat in guiding you and your baby through the experience of labor. When you are left undisturbed, you are given the opportunity to travel to places you have not gone before. You’ll have the space to go inward, to intuitively move your body the way you need to, transform pain into sensation, and allow your oxytocin levels to rise naturally.
When the birth space is disturbed, risks increase for both mother and baby, simply because oxytocin can’t flow. Every other mammal instinctually births on her own in a dark, quiet, warm space. What does nature’s design have to teach us?
The main role of the baby’s father and a doula is to protect the birthing environment so you can feel safe enough to surrender to the altered state of consciousness required to birth your baby in bliss and fulfillment.

Birth is a rite of passage.
Maiden to mother is a 40 week journey with labor being your initiation. Although it took your partner’s DNA to conceive your baby, birth is not a shared experience. Only you and your act of will can bring your baby into this world. It is your partner’s job to trust your decisions, intuition, and body, all while being the guardian of the birth space.
When you make the active choice to gestate and birth your baby on your own terms, in your own way, it makes birth innately fulfilling. Birth is not easy. It may be one of the tallest mountains you have ever climbed … and equally as rewarding.
I’ve seen time and time again, when a mother gives birth to her baby on her own terms, the bond with that baby is incredibly strong and her postpartum recovery is exponentially easier.
Hi my name is Jade!
What makes me “qualified” to guide you?
You will find all of my credentials below, but most important is my deep trust in you. As a woman, your womb is perfectly designed to gestate and birth life. As a doula and mother, I don’t hold any clinical licenses .. which means my number one priority is you (not the institutions that certified me). I work with a limited number of families per year to ensure I’m giving my whole, nourished self to you while also providing the individualized care and attention that you deserve.
A little about me…
I am a not-so-average certified personal trainer and holistic nutritionist who specializes in corrective exercise, pre / post-natal and pelvic floor fitness. I have been helping general population and athletes break through mental and emotional blockages that carry over to physical performance for 10 years now. Because of this background, it has been so seamless for me to carry this knowing into birth work. Each of our subtle bodies are deeply interconnected (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric, auric) and work in synergy throughout the process of pregnancy, labor and postpartum. After experiencing this first-hand through the birth of my son, Jax in 2022, I received an undeniable calling to walk with women as they undergo the same molecular shift necessary to step into motherhood.
Certifications and continuing education are important (yes, I have a lot of them) but no certification or book will be able to share the visceral experience of natural childbirth with you. Only YOU can do that. I’m very comfortable traversing altered states of consciousness and deep layers within myself required to feel confident in trusting intuition as a valid “science”. As a result, I in turn acknowledge your intuition as a valid science. I trust that you will know exactly what is required to nurture your growing baby. I trust you and your baby will know exactly the right time and position to be born.I trust that your partner is the most perfect, intimate advocate for you and the family you are creating. My role is to support you in the facilitation of your OWN truth and instincts. I don’t follow a procedure or protocol. I respond to what you are presenting to me and make suggestions if that’s what the current circumstance is calling for.
Your birth is YOUR initiation and it would be an honor to witness what you create.

Pregnancy / Birth Training
Pre/Postnatal Coach: 2017 ISSA
Pelvic Floor Restoration Coach: 2023 Restore Your Core
Holistic Birth Doula: 2023 The Matrona
Birthkeeper’s Mentorship Cohort: 2024 The Matrona
Additional Education & Training
Certified Personal Trainer: 2015 ISSA
Bachelor Of Science Degree In Business: 2016 Florida International University
Corrective Exercise: 2017 ISSA
Holistic Nutrition: 2017 ISSA
ViPR Pro Coach: 2019 Institute Of Motion
Primal Health Coach: 2020 PHC Institute
NLP Practitioner: 2020 David Key
Reiki Level 2: 2021 Madison Wald
Meditation Specialist: 2022 My Vinyasa Practice
What my Moms are saying…